Click below if you are a resident and are in need of support. You will be directed to our support site, where you can register your support account (separate from your grid account) and be able to see your support history. If you'd like to order a region log into the support site and submit a "Region Request" ticket and we'll get to it right away.
Our goal is to have a safe, respectful virtual environment for our residents. By logging into the virtual world or by using our website, you agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions. Please refer to our Privacy Policy which clarifies how we protect your data. We claim we are a safe harbor site under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) which requires that we ban repeat infringers. Please refer to the DMCA Notice Policy for details.
Notices and counter-notices must meet the then-current statutory requirements imposed by the DMCA; see for details.
Utopia Skye Grid is founded on Honor, Community & Communication principles. Utopia Skye is a mostly closed grid that will be running on a derivative of the OpenSim codebase that includes the best elements of the Halcyon engine coded by Tranquillity Dexler. Our engine is curated by the OpenSim-NGC project led by Mike Chase. This OpenSim derivative has become a proprietary engine aptly called "Tranquillity" in homage to its creator. We strive to create a safe place for the community to enjoy their virtual world and all they can create. Utopia Skye Grid is not just a place to call home, it's a place of community.
Please scroll down for our pricing, support, and policies. Firestorm is our supported viewer. Click the below link to download the latest version of Firestorm for OS. Make sure to join our discord server!